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AI4100-DU Portable AEI Tag Reader
Display/UMLER Version
  No Longer Available

The AI4100-DU Portable AEI Tag Reader is a single-piece unit that weighs 13 ounces and easily fits in the palm of your hand. Because the AI4100's battery life, size and cost are enormous improvements over the existing portable readers, we will no longer be selling the AI3100 and the Encompass 1i portable readers.


The AI4100-DU portable reader will read railroad AT5110, AT5118, AT5125, AT5133, AT5510, AT5541 and AT5549 transportation tags. It will also read AT5102, AT5105, AT5106, AT5107, AT5112, AT5114, AT5146 and AT5147 access control tags.


This version is suited for customers who want to only display AEI tag data and do not plan to use the portable reader to take inventory or send data to a host computer system.  It also contains a subset of UMLER that allows it to compare the data encoded into the AEI tag with the data that is in UMLER.

The price includes:

  • An AI4100-DU Portable Reader.

  • A docking station and battery charger.

  • A copy of Softrail's AI4100-DU AEI Display/UMLER Tag Reading Software.


© 2015 Softrail Inc.

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